Reykjavik Guitarama 2016

Iceland's largest Blues rock concert will be held on October 22nd when Björn Thoroddsen hosts REYKJAVIK GUITARAMA for the ninth consecutive year.

This time Björn will step into onto new territory, but this year's concert revolve around a new joint venture of Björn and American guitarist Robben Ford, who played memorable at the festival last year.

Robben is undoubtedly one of the most respected guitar player in the world today, but he has played with the biggest legends of the music world such as Bob Dylan, George Harrison and Miles Davis. In recent months, Robben and Björn worked on the album titled "Bjössi" and the task is the brainchild of these two guitar geniuses.

Tickets and Info

Björn Thoroddsen and Bíbí, last year at the Reykjavik Guitarama 2015

Björn Thoroddsen and Bíbí, last year at the Reykjavik Guitarama 2015